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When should you not quit your job even if you badly want to?

Updated: Mar 18, 2024

Got Monday blues like Garfield? Do you feel like you are dragging your feet to work? If yes, then I am sure the thought of quitting job may have crossed your mind multiple times. You may be seeking some kind of validation from your family and friends. But quitting is not the right choice always. If you quit for the wrong reasons, you may find yourself aimlessly job hopping and could affect your income earning potential in the long run.

So, it is imperative to do a close introspection first to understand where the problem lies. Here are a few reasons which are inducing you to resign but you should reconsider:

Difficult work environment: You could be frustrated and angry at your work place because of a helicopter boss who micromanages your every move. Or because of unsupportive colleagues playing work politics. But this is not really a very grim problem to leave the company. There is no workplace without such difficult people, you will find them in some form in every organisation. If you surround yourself with negativity focusing only on complaints and gossip, then it would be a perennial problem everywhere you work. Instead, what you can do is change your mindset and objectively focus on doing your job better and loving it. This will help you to deal with difficult people with a high self-esteem, high confidence and gain professional maturity at work.

Dread job: If you hate what you are doing, going to work every day can be a huge challenge. This can over time easily reflect in your performance. If other issues like work environment, your boss, location, pay, etc, are working well for you, then you should give a second thought about jumping ship.  If you feel stuck, try to explore other growth opportunities in your current organisation and examine where you could be a good fit. You can pro-actively initiate this with your boss and take him into confidence about where you can progressively contribute.

Low pay package: While money is a primary factor to go to work, it should not be the sole criteria in deciding to switch jobs. Frequent job hopping only for a better pay package will eventually look unpleasant on your resume. If your current pay is low but your company offers good growth prospects, it would make sense to stick around. It pays off in the long run to stick to an organisation which offer growth opportunities to eventually climb the corporate ladder.

Affordability: You need to consider your personal and financial situation before turning in your resignation. If you have recently started a family or are servicing a huge EMI, then you should reconsider your decision.  Stability on the job front will enable you to face any financial challenges or handle any big life changing event smoothly.

Career change: If your career goals have changed, do not rush into quitting your job yet. It is a huge decision and needs to be evaluated properly before taking the plunge. Being passionate about an idea is not enough to convert it into a full-time career. You need to have the conviction, long-term vision and clarity on how to go about it. This may require investing in additional skills. You also need to be financially prepared before starting your business. You need to create a reliable nest egg for your living expenses to survive before you quit your job.

Quitting your job for the wrong reasons can cost you money. So, before you polish your resume, reconsider if it’s worth to salvage your current job. All you need is an open mind and a change in perspective.



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